Friday, October 14, 2016

"Autumn" in the Philippines

(Started writing Friday, Oct. 14 about 11 a.m.  No telling when I may get it finished.)

I've been trying to keep the camera handy most of the time lately.  The result is nearly 80 "odds 'n' ends" photos from the last several weeks, with several "topic" or "project" series interrupted by other series as various things got photos taken a few days apart.  (EXAMPLE: The chair project seen below has its photos interwoven with scenery, errand, party, and other subjects.)  I'll try to sort them out as I go along, here.   Seems like this few weeks has had a lot of activity with small- to- medium sized projects, and several day-trips.  

We have NO "Autumn" or "Fall"  here!  Right now it's towards the end of "rainy" season - which THIS year was preceded by a l-o-n-g drier-than usual "drought" season.  Right now we are being deluged by rain almost every afternoon, with a few dry and sunny days, and looking at the arrival of Typhoon "Sarika"  which will give Luzon Island - north of us 300 to 500 miles - including the Manila area, a pretty thorough working-over in the next 2 to 3 days.
It will "miss" us, and WE WON'T MISS HAVING IT,  but quite likely we will have 3 to 5 days of pretty steady-to-heavy rain.

The rain has wreaked havoc on the rice harvest.  Some local crops have been knocked down by rain and wind, so they almost couldn't be harvested; and rainy days make threshing impossible - wet rice won't go through the machine properly.  Then when the rice is threshed, it needs a couple days of dry sunshine so that it can be dried for storage or further processing.   We were blessed to get something-like 75% of a "best crop" from our largest field.  This doesn't generate enough sale-cash to be very exciting, but it DOES offset the expense of buying our rice retail.  We will wait for the price-cycle to move upwards before we sell some of the crop.  (Rice blog #1)   (Rice blog #2)

On Tuesday, September 13, the Gaisano shopping mall at San Jose featured this:

"It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas."  I think this
Christmas decoration shop may be a LITTLE earlier than
USA retailers - - but maybe they have moved this early
before the Season.  "Santa" is motion activated, and sings
and dances.  Everything inside is artificial trees, wreaths,
and LED light strings.  

The sidewalks of Jan Jose:  Our provincial capitol has out-grown its downtown so that the few blocks of city-grid streets are a real challenge for vehicles and pedestrians. There is some discussion of solving the traffic problems by various means, and I have heard just a little about reforming the sidewalks.  Meanwhile I have "improved through much practise" at watching where I'm stepping and navigating around obstacles.

THERE IS NO MORE SPACE!  And, the officials can't really make any moves which take away from the livelihood of their constituency.  So, everybody just does the best he can (!)

This situation is fairly "tame," as the outdoor cafe- extension
leaves about a one-person width sidewalk remaining,
This HOLE in a newly-constructed sidewalk is about 2-feet 
deep, extending to where water could be seen below.  Later in the day I passed, and found that a somewhat better cover had been placed over this one.  
 Here, it is 5 steps up from the street- level to the sidewalk;  no access ramp.  The corner is pretty well blocked by a food-vending operation.
Lacking inside space, this store owner has extended an awning to create a permanent "parking lot sale," so the sidewalk becomes a mostly- obstructed aisle passing through the merchandising area.

Often, at this place, there is an awning extending out clear to the street-corner, and another stack of goods around the inside of the curb, so that anyone passing must either fight through a narrow aisle of goods and customers, or step off the sidewalk and walk in the street, to get around the corner. 

Here, the street was widened so the curb is even with the existing building.  THERE IS NO SIDEWALK at all!   When the building was built, the street was much narrower.  If the truck were parked close to the painted line, pedestrians would have to walk around the truck into the traffic lane to pass. 

 The vehicle driveway is no longer in use, but it remains - - just watch your step!  Further away, an awning-extension and merchandise displays appear to have the sidewalk completely obstructed.  Merchandise hanging from above will often mean having to "bow and scrape" in order to get through. 

 Goods are often stacked on the sidewalks, creating "narrows" for passers-by to navigate.

 And sometimes there is a utility pole which just can't  be moved.

The "rough places" where there are irregular steps, unfilled trenches, pipes running across the surface, etc., don't show well in photos - so I left a lot of them out.

All of the above is not to ridicule San Jose, only to show one very REAL aspect of the problems which they deal with there.  Be VERY GLAD if your area was able to anticipate its growth and accommodate pedestrians and vehicles more adequately.

We try to keep our San Jose errands to ONE per month - just to take care of banking and to shop for items which are more expensive or not available in our area.  But I've had two trips this month to Pandan - 40 miles NORTH from here - for day-conferences.
As we arrived at our conference center near Culasi one morning,
these flowering  bushes were rampant in the front yard, and
covered with thousands of blooms.  The young lady is about
5-feet tall.

The flowers themselves are small and delicate-looking, each
one about 2- inches in diameter.  They seem to be a type 
of miniature rose.

This "minimalist" motorcycle caught my eye as we passed
by.   A stainless-steel "Thermos" is adapted for a fuel tank.
What probably started as a "poverty" thing here, has quite
definitely become a "style- fad," maybe something like the
"Mexican street rod" cars in the USA.  I think I would
find the un-padded seat a little too minimal.  I call these
"skeleton bikes," and people seem to know what I mean.

 I used to hear the figure of speech, "A pillar of the community-"
or, "- of the church."  These literal pillars supplement the steel
truss material above them.  This occasion was a "teach by
storytelling"  seminar which caught the imagination of the
group, and they kept avidly involved through the day.

Sometimes I will have a small "flash of inspiration" which proves useful.

This calendar had flopped its way several months BACK in TIME  and was at June, because the pages kept tearing from around the nail it hangs on.  Just a few minutes with a scrap of wood, a coping
saw, and sandpaper, and I now see the correct month. 

There are nearly always several small things in-progress here.  I've been trying unsuccessfully, so far, to find a way to make the "smoke hood" in our new PATIO more effective.   So far, I can't get enough upward draft to positively move the smoke UP and OUT.
This exhaust fan was the first first attempt to create a 
stronger updraft and draw smoke upwards and out
exit vent at the top.  It proved too weak to create a
positive suction effect in the direction needed. 

Attempt "number 2" was to build a duct work to give the air
flow more positive direction.   Several hours of tinkering 
with this also proved ineffective.  There needs to be a
fairly strong air-current ("venturi" is the engineering name
I think).  BUT I also think that whatever type of blower
motor is used should not be directly in the smoky air,
which would quickly destroy it.   So I'm stumped for the
moment.  The new fan will be used somewhere else.

We put several things "on hold" for a couple days, to prepare
for an "Octoberfest" on October 9, in honor of a few calendar
anniversaries which occur all near the same time.   This
chocolate cake is derived from "aunt Bertha's recipe" which
we used constantly in growing-up years.  

The new sheltered car port and outside kitchen area provide
plenty of space for guests to relax and enjoy.

There's very little waste, here!  The day after the "fest," a
fairly thick mat of overcooked and slightly scorched rice gets
saved out of the cooking pot, destined towards the poultry
and other animals.   (All of them especially like stuff left-
over for a few days, which often ferments somewhat.)

 Meanwhile, the table-saw frame, which has been "topless"
 since we built it in April of 2015, has at last gotten its
table-top,  Two thicknesses of hard wood are laminated
to make a piece which we hope will not shrink, crack,
warp, or bow.   Alex has the patience and skill to carefully
line things up so that the top can be trimmed accurately
and "square" to the blade.  We had to "give up" on the
blade-height adjustment feature  which I had designed
into the saw-frame.  It proved beyond our precision
abilities to make it work without tilting and "yawing" as
it moved up and down in its slide-tracks.  The saw shaft
is now fixed and bolted at full height. 

But before we have time enough to "design and fabricate" a
built-in guide fence and other precision features, another
long-awaited project comes forward to occupy us.  These
are two of the mahogany tree-slabs which will become a
set of six chairs for the inside dining table.  For a lot of years,
this table has been served by well-made 4- legged stools
(lower left in photo).  Chairs will be a big improvement!  But
lots of wood must be "sawn"  before those chairs are "seen." 
(Plastic chairs in the background were "rented" for the festival.)

Using guides clamped to the edges (no screws to mar the new
top- surface!)  Alex has shown lots of ingenuity in making
sliding-jigs and other guides for a number of precision
repeat-cutting operations.   With this particular simple guide,
we were pleased to get nearly 3- inch cutting depth through
the hard mahogany.   This wood is from a large tree which
was downed by Typhoon Yolanda about 3 years ago.   

This 2- track "jig" allows accurate cross-cutting of multiple
pieces.   The basic principle gets modified for other needed
operations, later.  

Here, an angled piece attached to the top of the "slider" 
allows accurate diagonals to be cut off the main "spine"
pieces which will become the back legs of the chairs.
A taller set of slide-guides makes it possible to do depth-
controlled cuts, and create "L" shaped slots (rabbets)
for jointing various parts of the chair.

This pile of back-pieces have been jointed and partially
carved using various saw-cuts.  Much faster and more
accurate than hand-work.

This proto-type chair was made of various "reject pieces"
which have flaws.  After some comments from several
"test-sitters," the design was finalized, and Alex made
the jigs seen above (and others!) and as of Day 4 the
pieces are mostly cut and he is finishing the "hand-
work"  and beginning to assemble the chairs.  We will
end up with 7 chairs instead of 6, counting this one.
Seems quite true, HERE, that "chair-ity begins at home."

I don't have an exact count but it seems like I'm probably up to my usual number-range for photos this time.    I have been more aware recently of the prettiness of this place, when I'm moving around on errands.  But probably, I miss a lot.  Even people who live on and drive on Hwy. 1 Pacific Coast Highway (spectacular!) probably become a little too used to the beauty which surrounds them.   These last two photos give a little idea of how it can be:

Sometimes all I see is the fried-chicken vendor waiting to
make her left turn, with a dump truck slowing down behind her.

But there's joy in pausing long enough to see the surroundings,
after the traffic is gone.

Quite a few of those 80 or so photos remain.  I'll perhaps use some of the more interesting ones in a later posting.   

For now, we wish you joy in seeing all the interesting and lovely things around you;  that you will have the ability to appreciate all the wonderful things in life which sometimes get shuffled behind the humdrum day- to- day.

TJ and Bernadette Larson,
Antique Province, Panay Island, Philippines